Friday, May 8, 2009

Best Email 2009

if you think you are unhappy, look at them

if you think your salary is low, how about her?

when you feel like giving up, think of this man

if you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

if you complain about your transport system, how about them?

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes
Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us

There are many things in your life that will catch your eyebut only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...


SYAbAR said...

First of all, let me say `THANK YOU SIS' for your interest to be my blog follower. Which section do you like most or it just because I'm a secretary like you.

Dik, `Success Needs Challenge'. Proof it to urself esp ur family.

SYAbAR said...

Apa la kau ni dik, gapo la baru hari ni kau link utk akak baca entry secretary conference tu. Dah sebulan lebih, sib baik jd tapai manis, buatnya masam.... tak maunya den membaconya.

Akak dapat beg sembonia la. Untung kau dapat gak tv CG tu. Akak ni langsung tak dak luck, tp tak pa dulu dah dapat rantai emas.

Next year mana pulak kita nak lepak Amy!!!!!

norazmamyra88 said...

TQ akak sbb bg special advice kt saya.semoga akak pun success selalu..

norazmamyra88 said...

heheh..sory la akak..saya t'lupa la ari tu..sbb saya tau jd tapai manis la saya bg akak baca..heheh..

tahniah juga la kt akak sbb xramai yg dapat sembonia.cantik lak tu..jeles saya tau.

next year??we'll see ok..